When other people find out I am a quilter they often say how much they like quilts but don't have time or don't know how to make them.  Now I have the time to make quilts so you don't have to.

I am at least a fourth generation quilter.  My great grandmother and grandmother made quilts. My mother has been a prolific quilter. She is over 90 and still makes quilted table runners.  My sister is a quilter and has been professionally long arm quilting for over 35 years.  I have an aunt and  uncle who quilt and are very involved in their local quilt guild.  So I guess you could say it is a family thing.  We are passionate about quilting!  When I was younger I made a few quilts but then family and full time work interfered.  When I had time I would quilt but that was not often.  However, I continued to collect fabrics that I loved.  Now I am retired and have more time to quilt!  Since retiring in 2017 I have been quilting a lot and opened an Etsy shop and this website to share my passion for quilting.  I am using up some of the fabric I collected and adding even more to my "stash",

Finding a name for the store was a challenge. Everything I wanted was already taken so I decided to let the name describe where we live.  We live in the southwest close to a 1500 acre city desert park.  This has resulted in a lot of wildlife passing through  and sometimes living in our yard. There are rabbits, coyotes, raccoons, and lots of birds.  Some of our favorites are the gambel quail that we see everyday.  They are fun to watch as they raise their young each year, peck around in the dirt, crow loudly in their own unique way, and scurry for cover when we interrupt them. We live on a corner lot so my store name is Quail Corner Quilts and my logo included a mom and baby quail.

It is a process to make a quilt.  Selecting a pattern and fabric are the first steps. Envisioning how different fabrics will effect the overall appearance of the finished quilt takes imagination and creativity.  Next comes accurately cutting the fabric to construct the desired pattern.  The pieces are then machine sewn together to create the top of the quilt.  This step usually takes the most time depending on the pattern and size of the quilt - a  day to months.  After the top is all sewn together,  fabric for the back is sewn together into one piece that is slightly larger than the top of the quilt.  A professional long arm quilter then "sandwiches" the top, the batting, and the back together. The layers are machine stitched together in beautiful designs to increase the strength and texture of the quilt.  The last step is sewing the binding around all the edges of the quilt.  The edges of a quilt wear out first with lots of use.  So I use double layers of fabric for the binding to increase the lifespan of the quilt. 
The fabrics I utilize are all high quality 100% cotton fabric.  Much of the fabric is designed by well known fabric designers specifically for quilting.  The batting is usually cotton 80%/poly 20% and provides lift to the stitched design as well as warmth.  When needed the quilts can be machine washed and dried on delicate cycle.  Due to machine piecing and quilting they hold up to years of use as well as looking beautiful!

My pricing is only to cover the main materials that go into a quilt and the cost of having it quilted.  I want to share my love of quilts with others at a reasonable price!